The Canadian Ceremony
of 13 September 1992

During the service, Father Arthur D'Havé, the village priest of Adegem, 
assisted by a Canadian army chaplain and canon C. Bressers.

Solemn intermezzo by a bagpiper

The VIPs during the religious service in memory of the fallen:
left Mr. Raymond Chrétien, Canadian Ambassador in Brussels,
center, burgomaster Jean Rotsart de Hertaing,
on the right Lieutenant-General Gui Van Hecke, representing the king.

A group of Canadian and British veterans march down Prince Baldwin Lane (Prins Boudewijnlaan).

The Reverend D'havé, the Canadian chaplain and the Reverend Bressers say a prayer for the fallen.

More than 70 Belgian veterans' associations add luster to the ceremony. The NSB-veteran chapters are present in great numbers. 

The burgomaster lays a wreath in the name of Maldegem town.

The band of the Navy plays the "Last Post".
This is followed by a minute silence and then "Réveil" is played.

The VIPs present pay homage.

From the start Adegem's school children were involved in the ceremony.  After the flower tribute they form a living chain around the Cross of Sacrifice to express their bond with those who died and to symbolize their wish for peace and cooperation and to find strength in the sacrifice of the fallen.  The ceremony ends with the Canadian national anthem and the Brabançonne.  And then the young people do what they can to get hold of one of the poppies scattered about by the army airplane.



© Hugo Notteboom / Heemkundige Kring Het Ambacht Maldegem, 1994
Translated in English by Denis Noë

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